Tap installed at a clinic nearby Kuli Primary school
Hygiene products donated
Advancing Decentralized Health Services
Official opening by the District Apostle Charles S Ndandula
Opening Malawi NACRO Office Building
Capability Statement
The New Apostolic Church Relief Organization (NACRO) is a humanitarian and development wing of the New Apostolic Church.

NACRO supports Governments in the provision of free, equitable and quality education in order to ensure that all girls and boys complete their primary and secondary school. READ MORE

NACRO supports Governments to ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being of all at all stages. In addition, NACRO supports Government to ensure the availability and Sustainable management of water and sanitation resources. READ MORE

NACRO supports Governments in improving food security and disposable income for vulnerable households through sustainable agriculture. READ MORE
The New Apostolic Church Relief Organization (NACRO) is a humanitarian and development wing of the New Apostolic Church. The organization’s formation was prompted by the New Apostolic Church’s desire to provide humanitarian support and promotion of programs aiming at improving the livelihood of the less privileged and vulnerable people in all the communities. To achieve this desire, NACRO, has over the years, supported the less privileged and vulnerable people and communities through provision of direct interventions.